Rosie Posie ~ Berry Blossom Bouquet


Giggles dance and teacups clink as you and your friends share a sun-kissed picnic.

Rosie Posie is perfect for those moments when you need something light yet indulgent. It’s the perfect combo of floral and natural sweetness, balanced by a hit of tartness. Pair it with spa days, afternoon teas, or simply when you need a little something sweet without the guilt. Treat yourself and your fave tea lovers to a homemade high tea featuring a pot of Rosie Posie (or several – we encourage ALL of the tea consumption!). 

What’s Inside: Red rose petals, freeze-dried strawberry pieces, rosehip shells and hibiscus flowers.

Tips From The Pros: Cold brew it for THE most amazing Turkish-delight-inspired summer treat. And add some fresh strawberries for a cheeky mocktail (or go all in and make it a cocktail – we won’t judge!). It also makes a fabulous latte, or add it to your favourite smoothie for something next level. With so many options, we have to say that it tastes completely different hot and cold – give these all a go and let us know your favourite! 

Pair Me With:  Your favourite nail polish, a trashy magazine (do they still have those?) and a goss sesh with your bestie (sharing is her middle name!).

Fun, free-spirited tea – 100% organic, 100% caffeine-free, 100% of the time

Pssst …  We’re in the process of launching our new packaging! New photos coming very soon

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Pack (60 cups), Tube (3-4 cups)

Behind The Brew

Rosie Posie and Pretty Fly were originally designed for my best friend’s wedding. Charo and Sam got engaged because their favourite characters from Steven Universe, Sapphire and Ruby, got married. As a sucker for a good theme, I got to work on making some unique and delicious teas to celebrate their love. All the guests drank countless cups – they were crowd favourites!

Brew It The T&G Way

All Tea & Gather teas can be brewed hot or cold. Here’s how:

Hot 1-2 tsp per cup 100°C water 5-7 minutes
Cold 7-8 tsp per 1L Tap water 10-12 hours in fridge

Cold Brewing Made Easy

Want to make a cold brew but don’t have an infuser jug? Save the mess and put your tea into the muslin bag from your tea pack! Once you’re done, simply empty the leaves into your garden or compost and handwash the bag.

Freshness Guarantee

All Tea & Gather teas are made with organic herbs and fruits in small batches to ensure you get the freshest, tastiest cuppa every time.